Monday 14 December 2015

Get Me Free #110: Sonder - Jet Airplane

Article by KevW

There's scant information available about Sonder, but what we do know is that the project is based in Maryland and has been active for a couple of years. It would appear to (perhaps) be the solo project of someone who just goes by the initials SfS and is responsible for writing and recording much of the music, although new single 'Jet Airplane' (which will, in some form, be on forthcoming EP 'Lost In Tyme') contains extra hands on lead guitar, programming and as "spirit watcher". So it's all very vague, but as we know, a little mystery can add to the intrigue of the music. That said, the music is intriguing enough as it is.

In essence, 'Jet Airplane' is an alt-rock track, but one that utilises electronics (hence the need for a programmer). It's not really electro-rock, bit it is quite a glorious and tuneful din that's densely layered and full of sound. Sonder himself/themselves even leave(s) a question mark, describing this style as "indie, alternative, post-punk, noise?", and it's all of the above and more. Psychedelia is a term that gets thrown about a lot and can be quite ambiguous, but it fits this track. So whoever Sonder is/are, they've piqued our interest because of the music they've made which is a full-throttle piece of experimental guitar-based whatever you want to call it. Hats off.

Sonder's website

Buy the single

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