Sunday 13 December 2015

FAIRCHILD - Breathless

Article by KevW

Upping sticks from your hometown to move elsewhere for a better chance of fulfilling your musical ambitions is nothing new, but FAIRCHILD took it to quite an extreme level. Earlier this year, the six-piece group left Australia's Gold Coast and took up residence in Manchester. Travelling to the other side of the world is a bit different than heading to the city from your country home. Whether the move has successfully opened more doors and brought them more opportunities is perhaps something only they will know. What is certain is that they have the ability to stand a fighting chance of making it.

'Breathless' was actually recorded in Australia during a "four-month period of brainstorming". The song was built using sections and contributions from each member of the band, eventually resulting in a sound that echoed some of the new-wave, '80s sounds they loved. With so many indie-rock bands opting for garage stylings or a lo-fi approach, 'Breathless' is a breath of fresh air. It sounds streamlined, complete and ambitious, mixing synths with guitars and offering a smooth finish that's not so slick that it begins to lose its personality. The track will be on FAIRCHILD's forthcoming new EP which will go some way to letting us know whether their extreme efforts have been worth it, early indications suggest so.

Fairchild's website

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