Saturday 26 December 2015

Actor - Uppercut

Article by KevW

We first got wind of Actor this summer with the release of their third single 'Baby Cries' and immediately signaled them out as a new alt-pop act to be reckoned with. Actor is essentially the alias of Louisa Osborn who collaborates with producer Chris Mulligan and drummer Ste Anderson. They make a classy form of pop music that avoids overly commercial waters, steering a course for credibility instead. Credibility can often be a byword for boring, but Actor's music is anything but, and despite not pandering to the mass-produced sounds of the mainstream, songs like 'Uppercut' should have a wide appeal.

Comparisons could be drawn to Ren Harvieu or Anna Calvi, but this is perhaps a little more experimental and electronic. It does possess a similar power though, and that's in no small part down to the strong vocal. Instead of taking the electro-pop of the 1980s and recreating it, Actor's songs could be seen as a modern overhaul of that style, with 'Uppercut' using a sharp, booming beat and less dated synth sounds to offer something current that's a natural progression from what was hitting the charts three decades ago. To be honest, it's a bit surprising that Actor haven't featured more heavily in any of the ones to watch for 2016 lists. They could easily become more established than some of the names being thrown around.

Actor's website

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