Monday 22 April 2013

Prayntell - No One EP

EP review by

Prayntell's EP 'No One' sparks into life with 'Lowe', all Husker Du fizzing guitars and crisp Ian Curtis-style vocals. The song's strong dynamics recall grunge at its poppiest with splashes of Libertines controlled abandon. Second track 'No Apologies' keeps the pace up, with a ragged, loose feel. Again reminding of the Libertines or early Arctic Monkeys, a dancefloor, head-shaking, sharp track. Following track 'Come On' shows a greater musical maturity than the fizz-bombs of the starters. 'Come On' is more concise, reigning in the pop of the start and is better for it. A strong track with rich structure and a more expansive feel. 'Let Me Down' then switches tack with a haunting cello and restrained whispered vocals. These ebb into a song resembling the Manics at their most contemplative. The song has a bitter/acrid edge which takes it above the dreaded ballad. A restrained, haunting change of pace from the buzz-saw songs preceding it.

Footstepping early Kings of Leon, 'Risk Loving' shakes you from the depths of 'Let Me Down'. A choppy break runs into a stinging solo, rolling into a roaring shakedown with "wanna find love" being hollered over the top, powering to be a stand-out on the EP. With closer, 'Images', the strings make a second appearance, this time they add initial warmth. Another mournful lyric of  "I killed time to make time" has a cloying effect when wrapped in the string lines. Similarly another repeated cliche of "in the end you sink or swim" detracts from the potential elegance of the song, It overstays its welcome and brings a bright, strong clutch of tracks to a somewhat murky end.

Prayntell's website

Stream or download the EP

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