Tuesday 26 March 2013

Wampire - Spirit Forest

Single review by kev@thesoundofconfusion.co.uk

Portland appears to have come up with the goods once more. We were very impressed with Wampire's single 'The Hearse' not long ago, and it's now been announced that their debut album will be released on May 14th (we can therefore possibly expect it on the 13th in the UK) on Polyvinyl Records and they're serving up a stream of the track 'Spirit Forest' to prove that the previous single was no one-off. Again this is in the realms of indie music but with enough of a twist to give them a little of their own identity. If they can manage an album of this standard it'll surely be in for high praise.

Like much independent music doing the rounds, this track is like a patchwork quilt stitched together using squares from various different bands and scenes, all to create an impressive and fully functional whole. We've got 80s synths at the start mixed in with a little new-wave and a few interesting sounds brought in from the more esoteric areas of the music world. There's a hint of white soul about the vocals and a hint of funk in the bass, but the guitars are sharp, almost angular at points, leading us to believe they've got a few punk records in their collection, as well as some classic rock and prog albums which is where the song takes a brief detour to for a while. Intriguing stuff.

Wampire's website

Pre-order the album

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