Thursday 21 March 2013

pow wow - Don't Stop To Look

Single review by

OK so these guys have apparently been together since 2006 and once again we've slipped up somewhere along the line and missed them until now. It feels like a terrible, terrible loss that we could have had much longer to enjoy delights like single and title-track from their new album 'Don't Stop To Look'. pow wow! is the perfect name for this band of musicians from the US east coast. They found themselves gravitating towards New York where the band is now based, and thank goodness they did because this is some of the best indie/pop/rock/whatever you want to call it that we've heard for a while.

Let's go for powerpop, that fits best, certainly for this single. From the opening millisecond its bursting with life, twinkling effects and jangling guitars. They hit the chorus, taking it in their stride without pausing for breath. This is guitar-pop through and through and compromises nothing. There isn't a single sound you could take away from this song that would improve it and it's impossible to imagine how the addition of anything else or extending the song would be beneficial. Basically they've nailed this one. It's like a wide-eyed and over-excited puppy that wants to leap and bound around your brain, only ten times more fun than that sounds.

pow wow's website

Stream or buy the album

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