Friday 22 January 2016

Get Me Free #155: IZE - / n e w /

Article by KevW

One of the things that's good about music right now, is that after years of bands denying they fit into a particular genre, people seem to be increasingly honest about the type of songs they make. New Orleans group IZE for example, state openly that they're a "kind of new-wave/post-punk band (dance music with guitars)", before also saying on their website that "we're a rock band or a dance band idk I have a synthesizer", which is refreshingly honest and quite endearing. Latest EP '/ n e w /' backs up their claims. It does contain the sounds post-punk and new-wave, and they do use electronics and guitars. Not all of it is that danceable, but I guess that depends on what you're on...

'teenage you / teenage me' contains almost motorik drumming, with other beats seeming to fall over each other in the background while a bassline brings in some melody. They soon introduce both guitars and synth and the combination makes the song shine a bit more. 'nyc' is particularly good, with electronic beats taking over and that combination of synths and guitars again sounding great. Vocally it's almost an Ian Curtis-like monotone, which is a running theme on the EP. The pounding 'Breakup' does take them closer to the dance floor and comes over like New Order collaborating with Beck and being remixed by Hot Chip. Perhaps best of all is 'new friends' which uses Postal Service-style blips and bloops backed by gentle fuzz and a pinch more melody that the other tracks, resulting in a top lo-fi pop tune. "I'm just having fun" they sing. Well, it certainly sounds that way, and it's pretty fun to listen to as well.

IZE's website

Buy: '/ n e w /'.

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