Thursday 21 January 2016

Get Me Free #154: Domestic Dog - Brown Tailed Moth / Circle Cycle

Article by KevW

Back in the days when the only way you could hear songs you liked whenever you wanted was to actually go out and buy them, some of the most exciting releases were those that took you by surprise, especially when it came to singles. The A-side you'd know, and that's the song that made you go and purchase the CD, 7" or cassette in the first place, and you generally knew not to expect much from the B-sides. Maybe something half decent that didn't quite make the cut for the album or to be a single in its own right. Or perhaps just a throwaway remix or two that's just there to pad out the release. So on those rare occasions when you struck gold and found that the B-side was actually the superior tune, it was like getting two for the price of one (special mentions to, amongst others, The Stone Roses, Catherine Wheel, The Bluetones, Belle & Sebastian and Velocette in that respect).

Digital releases may not have "sides" (nor do CDs...), but it does state that 'Circle Cycle' is the B-side to this debut single from Domestic Dog. Formerly of the band Mammal Hum, Leon Welburn set up a studio in his home and the result is this new venture. 'Brown Tailed Moth' certainly is a good song with a delicate, almost dream-folky quality that's not far removed from latter day Gorky's Zygotic Mynci (who could be added to that aforementioned list), and it easily stands up in its own right. Go to the virtual flip-side and you'll find a real gem though. The twinkling and beautiful electro-indiepop of 'Circle Cycle' is another dreamy venture, but has some extra magic. From the very start it's sublime alternative pop, but as he sings "the majesty appearing", it duly does, and 'Circle Cycle' begins to become quite grandiose in its own way, building to be a stately bedroom-pop anthem that's really quite moreish. It makes you wonder just what other delights Domestic Dog has in store.

Domestic Dog's website

Buy: Brown Tailed Moth / Circle Cycle.

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