Wednesday 30 January 2013

Wavves - Demon To Lean On

Single review by

With any drug-inflicted public meltdowns now seemingly behind him, Wavves main man Nathan Williams is back on top form musically, with early signs indicating that new album 'Afraid Of Heights' (due out on March 26th) could be his most coherent, tuneful and simply best yet. There's still a geeky element to the band's sound, they haven't totally grown-up, and nor would we want them to. The love of noise is still apparent which will be music to fans of the earlier lo-fi din that they captured on some recordings. Williams isn't hanging up the effects pedals and building himself a deluxe pine studio just yet.

Two tracks from the forthcoming record are available to stream and both take the better end of grunge, keep plenty of melody there but still refuse to give in to maturity. 'Sail To The Sun', as we've already heard, hammers along like its been injected with nitrous oxide but at no point feels like it could fall apart. This is controlled chaos, the kind that comes with knowing where you're heading. 'Demon To Lean On' takes this further, it's piled high with slacker vibes and guitars being tortured, but underneath is a big pop hit. It could be that Wavves have hit the perfect middle ground between being unreliable no-wave noise-merchants and dorky, off-kilter pop punks. Perhaps this is exactly what's needed to keep the wheels on and the band on the road.

Wavves' website

Pre-order the album

Catch them live:

3/12/13 @ SXSW - Austin, TX
3/13/13 @ SXSW - Austin, TX
3/14/13 @ SXSW - Austin, TX
3/15/13 @ SXSW - Austin, TX
3/16/13 @ SXSW - Austin, TX
3/17/13 @ Prophet Bar - Dallas, TX *
3/19/13 @ Club Congress - Tucson, AZ *
3/20/13 @ Echo - Los Angeles, CA *
3/21/13 @ Casbah - San Diego, CA *
3/22/13 @ Bottom of the Hill - San Francisco, CA *
3/23/13 @ Velvet Jones - Santa Barbara, CA !
3/27/13 @ Larimer Lounge - Denver, CO *
3/28/13 @ Waiting Room - Omaha, NE *
3/29/13 @ 7th Street Entry - Minneapolis, MN *
3/30/13 @ Rave Bar - Milwaukee, WI *
4/01/13 @ Subterranean - Chicago, IL *
4/02/13 @ Basement - Columbus, OH *
4/03/13 @ Grog Shop - Cleveland, OH *
4/04/13 @ Magic Stick (Lounge) - Detroit, MI *
4/05/13 @ Horshoe - Toronto, ON *
4/06/13 @ Salla Rosa - Montreal, QC *
4/08/13 @ Brighton Music Hall - Boston, MA *
4/09/13 @ Johnny Brendas - Philadelphia, PA *
4/11/13 @ Glasslands - Brooklyn, NY *
4/12/13 @ Shea Stadium - Brooklyn, NY *
4/13/13 @ Rock & Roll Hotel - Washington, DC *
4/15/13 @ Drunken Unicorn - Atlanta, GA *
4/16/13 @ Mercy Lounge - Nashville, TN *
4/18/13 @ Fitzgerald's - Houston, TX *
4/20/13 @ Crescent Ballroom - Phoenix, AZ *
4/21/13 @ The Smell - Los Angeles, CA *

* w/ FIDLAR and Cheatahs
! w/ Cheatahs

For more news, reviews and downloads follow The Sound Of Confusion on Facebook or Twitter

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