Thursday 17 January 2013

Night Beds - Ramona

Single review by

This is another one of those where you really have to question Winston Yellen, AKA Night Beds. It's all very well not using your own name as the one by which you release your music, but surely he could have thought of something a little more inspired than Night Beds. Or at least one of his mates might have pulled him to one side and quietly said "you know that name you've gone for? You do realise it's a bit shit, don't you?". Still, as ever, he must have his reasons and who are we to complain, particularly when he's giving us tunes of this calibre.

'Ramona' is the new single from his anticipated debut album 'Country Sleep' which is out on February 4th. Maybe the "sleep" part of the name is a reference to his moniker, and the "country" a reference to his sound. Essentially what you'd describe as alt-rock, 'Ramona' does have a hint of country about it. Put simply; it sounds more North American than European. It's also an energetic little tune, bouncing along with the vigour of youth but pausing for the odd world-weary musing along the way. Two attributes that add depth to an already perfectly formed song.

Night Beds' website

Buy the single

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