Tuesday 29 January 2013

Love & Fist - Last Days In Country

EP review by kev@thesoundofconfusion.co.uk

Love & Fist, two words that go together... um, sometimes. But in this instance probably not in that sense. This new EP by the Austrian band is about leaving one place for another, about returning home and the mixed emotions that such circumstances can create. Things begin with the sense of not fitting your current location, being in the wrong place and realising it, all to an enticing indiepop backing; it's a classic alternative guitar tune that boasts a nice chorus and addictive qualities. Any such bombast is stripped away on the countryish, twanging 'My Hometown'. What begins like a bluesy paean to home ends up sounding like the Vaccines when they go all sentimental, like on 'Wetsuit' or 'Aftershave Ocean'.

It's two very opposite sides of the same coin and you wonder which will prevail. Both songs aren't exactly lacking in the quality department, but the puzzle of the story begins to engage you further. 'Behind The Times' doesn't exactly make the move sound like a success with its desolate lyrics and talk of nobody being there. At the same time it's strangely romantic with it. Like watching a feature film, you get the sense that all will end well. Once this ballad is over and before the credits roll we get our answer. 'Say Goodbye' is sentimental but plans on deserting memories, forgetting the past and future and concentrating on the now; "it'll be alright" is sung atop emotional backing that's part sad and part hopeful, yet we may never know exactly how the tale ends. But still, it's been... emotional.

Download 'My Hometown' for free by heading here

Love & Fist's website

Stream or buy the album

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