Friday 30 August 2013

Let's Buy Happiness - Run

Single review by

From a personal perspective, listening to so much music, constantly, it's strange how one minute you can be caught up in the thrill of a high-powered, feral garage-punk lightening bolt, and the next be sat listening intently to the subtle beauty of a dreamy pop song that seems to be at the other end of the spectrum. I guess that's the joy of music, and quite why some people choose to limit themselves to being fans of just one genre is a mystery. At least to me it is. Let's Buy Happiness are going for delicate beauty on this track, and they manage to pull it off.

As 'Run' has a slight dreampop feel to it and female vocals then we'd being doing the world of obvious musical comparisons a disservice if we didn't at least mention Mazzy Star and The Cocteau Twins. Let's Buy Happiness would probably be happy being compared to such greats, but their personal style is less reliant on effects and the warm blanket of fuzz. It's a cleaner sound, a pure sound and it's made from little more than a stunning, soft vocal and some guitar. Towards the end that fuzz does manifest itself more, but they've done enough here to convince us they're no mere copyists.

Let's Buy Happiness' website

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