Thursday 29 August 2013

Adna - Dreamer

Single review by

Isn't it really annoying (most likely for the artist above anyone else) when young musicians are described as being wise beyond their years or having a sound that seems more mature than it should for their age? Do people think that everyone carries on watching Bob The Builder until they're twenty or something? This is Swedish singer-songwriter Adna. Last year she released her debut EP, earlier this year she released an excellent single called 'The Preittiest'. Now, and still in her teens, we get another single: 'Dreamer'. And you know what? She sounds wise beyond her years.

This is a mature and thoughtful song, but then at 18 or whatever you can be mature, smart, talented and have an understanding of the world. You can also pen a fine tune as dozens have proven in the past. This chilled, minimal alt-pop song is further proof. One comparison that springs to mind is Kate Bush, you can hear a similarly unique and dreamy style to some of her work. Adna has wisely concentrated as much on her education as her music for now, although we think a career in music is definitely on the cards, but this choice is further proof that she has a mature mind. Oh, and about the Kate Bush thing, do you know how old when she wrote one of the all-time classic pop songs, 'Wuthering Heights'? She was 18.

Adna's website

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