Wednesday 28 August 2013

Imaginary People - Fresh On + Q&A

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New York quintet Imaginary People will be releasing their debut EP next week and are giving away the wonderful indie/Americana of 'Fresh On' as a free download. You can grab that below, but first we fired them a few questions over to discover a bit more about the band and Dylan was kind enough to chat to us about the black magic of the New York music scene and a surprising knowledge of English football!

TSOC: Hello Imaginary People! You guys are based in NYC. It seems like half the bands we write about are from NYC and the surrounding area. Is it a help or hindrance having to jostle for space like that?  

D: I think it helps, you have more musicians willing and able, so there's a creative force that you can dip into. It can become a wash of bands, but like anything in life, luck and some black magic and things happen for certain people. Work ethic goes a long way, if you're prepared to do what the other guy won't, you might increase your luck.

TSOC: As we've covered a lot of NYC bands, could you give us a couple of future tips we might not know yet? Bands to keep an eye out for?

D: Check out US Royalty, also our friends Caveman are coming over there, they have a record coming out in the UK.

TSOC: Is there a sense of community about the music scene from that area, or is it more competitive than that?  

D: There's a competition to excel, but it's never spoken about, I think certain bands are a lot more business minded and might get further down the road because they understand the industry landscape and how to approach it. It's still the music business, which is a form of Hollywood and bands want to get their break.

TSOC: What about British bands? Do you have any plans to make it over for gigs? And what bands would you want to check out while you're here? 

D: We'd love to come tour, depends on when we get a record out there with a label, you really need that help to make that jump and we're getting closer. As for bands, Kasabian, Blur, Slow Club, Foals, The Chevin.

TSOC: The song people can stream below ('Fresh On') takes in indie, rock, alt-pop, Americana and more besides. Are all your songs as blended as this or do you usually stick to a sound that can be easily pinpointed?  

D: We tend to genre hop a bit, it just happens organically. We just try to put together the best material, if they happen to sound quite different, so be it.

TSOC: It must mean you have a wide variety of influences. Who would your ideal collaborator or producer be if you could pick anyone dead or alive?  

D: I lived in a London for a few years and met Robert Plant, that would be pretty wild to get in a room with him.

TSOC: As the band moves forward, are we likely to see you treading similar ground? Or do you have plans to branch out into other genres?

D: We'll go in any direction, we have an album recorded to follow the EP. Maybe we'll do a little more recording, depends on the timing. Ideally I'd want to start touring to get our name floating in the live arena.

TSOC:  If you could change one thing about Imaginary People as they are now, what would it be and why?

D: I'd say just more time to work on songcraft, it's a percentages game, the more time your write the better chance you'll bump into some magic.

TSOC: I'd guess that if people are imaginary, they can have imaginary powers. Assume you could all have one super power. What would it be?  

D: I'd moonlight as an Arsenal FC striker, they need a new striker!

TSOC: Finally – it's fantasy festival time. Imaginary People are headlining and you get to pick 5 acts, past or present to join you on the bill. Who do you pick?

Chemical Brothers
Beastie Boys
Albert King
Beach House

Imaginary People's website

Buy the EP

Catch them live:

Sep 03 Mercury Lounge, New York, NY

For more news, reviews and downloads follow The Sound Of Confusion on Facebook or Twitter

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