Saturday 31 August 2013

Josh and Mer - The Tithe

Single review by

The Josh in the equation of Josh and Mer is Josh Shroeder who has a new EP out very soon, but he's currently focused party on his new album with Meredith Adelaide. The Portland-based duo have just put out their second effort, titled 'The Tithe', and here you can have a listen to the really quite pretty title-track, and if you want to play the good old game of review comparisons then there's one obvious duo that this sounds not unlike. Interestingly, it's not another male/female duo, but Simon & Garfunkel who you can detect on this song.

Mer's vocals obviously mean there's a difference, but in style this track is very close to the legendary pair at their dreamy best, and Josh's voice (which we compared to Radiohead in a previous review) definitely has a hint of that duo's stunning tones about it. The song is delicate, soft and has an almost breathless beauty that can only come from a song that's left so untouched by the hands of a multitude of musicians. The saying "too many cooks spoil the broth" comes to mind. Josh and Mer don't fall foul of that rule, and 'The Tithe' is irresistible.

Josh and Mer's website

Buy the album

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