Saturday 24 August 2013

Let's Away - Bloodrush (Demo)

Demo review by

We've been on the trail of Sunderland band Let's Away for well over a year now, so we're dead chuffed for them that they've just got their first bit of coverage in NME (love it or hate it, it's good exposure), and the good news for us out of all this is that they've decided to upload a new demo online for our listening pleasure by way of celebration. It was a couple of months back that we reviewed their recent single 'Suitably Loose'/'You & I', so the timing for something new is perfect.

Although just a demo, it's another one of those that you really don't need to do much else with. It's fine as it is. The band say that 'Bloodrush' was recorded in a converted dungeon for forty quid, now we don't know how converted the dungeon is, but I guess it has the potential to be a chilling experience. The music kind of follows suit, with this song having an echoey, cavernous sound which may be the result of the recording space or of the production desk. I guess it doesn't matter. This isn't a happy song though, so the location seems fitting. It's another great example by a band who are finally starting to get the coverage they deserve.

Let's Away's website

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