Thursday 29 August 2013

Flyte - Over and Out

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Just when we think the world of regular indie/guitar bands has reached its natural end and that the only way forward is to diversify and come up with new offshoots and new ideas, along comes a band to make us think again. Meet Flyte, a quartet from London who will be releasing their EP 'Live' next month and have just made this, their first video, using a giant green screen in their bedroom. We're told there are catchy nods to Talking Heads, and you can hear that. In fact a few bands of that era come to mind, including XTC.

Really though? 'Over and Out' is guitar-pop as it's been made since the turn of the century. So you can think of The Strokes, you can think of The Postelles, you can even think of Hockey. These guys, like it or not, have aspects of all these bands about them, and plenty more besides. Is this a bad thing? Only if you're determined to find a brand new sound. If you want catchy and well-written indie tunes then you're looking in the right place. So what if they sound like other bands, and so what if some of them may not be fashionable at the moment? Flyte know how to write a decent tune and they've proved it here. More power to them.

Flyte's website

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