Saturday 18 May 2013

Reservations - Reservations EP

EP review by

What began as the solo project of Texan Jana Horn soon became something more, you could even call it a supergroup of sorts. In the summer of 2012 she began working on tracks with Paul Price (of Good Field amongst other bands) and Reservations was born. They were soon joined by Jason Baczynski and Alán Uribe, both of whom are members of the band Tacks, The Boy Disaster, and the quartet was complete. Their self-titled debut EP is an understated affair that's led by Jana's vocals with a backing of dreamlike Americana; there are even points here that recall some of the female-fronted Belle & Sebastian tracks.

Surely one of the most subtle introductions to a record this year, 'That Road We Travelled Down' barely announces itself for the first minute, simply being made of extremely gentle vocals and spacious and equally delicate guitar. It does add drums and some slide-guitar towards the end but is still a tender affair. Little changes on the alt-country by way of B&S 'Endless Winding Grey', a quite beautiful track, as is 'Hewitt Park' that immediately follows it in a similar manner, although it allows the pace to pick up just a touch. They revert back to little more than that sweet voice and slide-guitar for 'The Porch' and, naturally, there's no big, balls-out finale, as the EP ends with the pensive 'We Both Know', and it would be wrong if it was any different. Reservations are best just as they are; a thing of understated beauty.

Reservations' website

Stream or buy the EP

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