Monday 13 January 2014

Gyratory System - Old Harmony

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Over the course of two albums, London trio Gyratory System have managed to produce music that doesn't sound like anyone else, a feat that's nigh-on impossible. Being a group that use a lot of electronics (mainly of the analogue-sounding variety) and also being instrumental, a large part of their distinctive work must be down to founding member and frontman Andrew Brick. Not only is he a producer, but he also plays the trumpet, so past tracks have included the sound of trumpets contorted and butchered into a variety of weird and wonderful sounds; this really is what has become the band's hallmark. They're also interested in pushing a few of the other boundaries of electronic and dance music, perhaps taking a cue from the pioneers from the 1970s - you can hear that influence creeping in to much of their work.

Really, the simplest way to describe the sound of Gyratory System is to call it bonkers. Bonkers in a good way, that is. This week they release new album 'Utility Music' which again uses retro sounds to make a futuristic record, although it's maybe a little less bonkers than what's gone before. Single 'Old Harmony' (perhaps a follow-on from their 2011 album 'New Harmony') isn't quite as brain-frazzlingly mad as some of their work, but it's definitely unusual; a curious mix of German industrial electronics from decades gone by and more modern production. That twisted trumpet appears from time to time just to give you a little surprise and lift the song. What sounds like equally contorted guitars make an appearance too. For Gyratory System 'Old Harmony' is reasonably normal, but being a band that doesn't really do normal, it's still pretty bonkers.

Gyratory System's website

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