Wednesday 24 July 2013

Venkman - Tricking/Martial Law

Single review by

It's always interesting trawling around bands' social media sites in search of info, and part of the reason for this is because it's often a pack of lies and totally unreliable, although you can't necessarily prove that. When listening to the hectic and jittery indie/punk/funk mayhem that Lichfield quintet Venkman make, it somehow seems hard to believe that they're also keen on fishing and going for walks. But the why shouldn't they be? It's somewhat satisfying to think of these guys sitting peacefully on the banks of a river while concocting another complex and pummelling math-rock riff in their heads.

The band's own description of "off kilter funk" works too, there's definitely that aspect to their music. 'Tricking' is particularly frenetic, charging along and hopping about all over the place as though it's some kind of disturbed musical lunatic. It's a heck of a lot of fun but might not be something you'll get to grips with upon first listen, as it flies by in a whirlwind of mayhem. Perhaps 'Martial Law' is a better starting point for those not well versed in this kind of musical madness. Here they definitely bring the funk and some more jittery riffs and beats. It's a pop song that's twisted into a less conventional shape but it's pretty unique, and finding your own sound given the amount of music around in 2013 is no mean feat.

Venkman's website

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