Saturday 27 July 2013

The Sea The Sea - The Four Demos EP

EP review by

Much has been said, including by us, about the current music scene in Oxford. In short, it's in rude health right now, and The Sea The Sea are hoping to add their name to the growing list of alternative bands from the city. Their EP 'The Four Demos' was produced by Kit Monteith from Trophy Wife and generally sounds closer to the finished article than a collection of demos, but if they have further plans for these songs then they could well be on to something great. Not only do they show ability and decent songs, but they show a certain diversity too, and the ability to adapt and evolve is as important now as it's ever been, so this should stand them in good stead. In terms of sound we're looking at modern guitar music with an experimental side.

It's tempting to use the generic term "indie", but 'The Strait, The Narrow' has more soul than that and also encompasses certain post-rock dynamics in the way it uses guitar effects to develop a depth of atmosphere. That aforementioned diversity comes to light on 'Waterfall', a far subtler but no less evocative song that has a beauty to it that belies the somewhat bleaker outlook portrayed by the lyrics. The short but explosive solo in the middle doesn't do it any harm either. It's a simple riff that drives 'Something Happened', perhaps the unsung hero of the EP, as when the guitars begin to chime it sounds very good without particularly having any "wow" factor. 'The Winter Parade' again shows a little diversity, with a solid beat and scratchy guitar running alongside yet more of those twinkles and chimes, leading to a great build up. How they take these songs to the next level will be very interesting.

The Sea The Sea's website

Stream or download the EP

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