Thursday 25 July 2013

Moslyve - NTL REV

EP review by

The underground scene in Paris continues to impress with this new EP from Moslyve, a quartet with members from the capital and also Lyon. Formed in 2010 they deal in a variety of forms of what would be described as indie music. On 'NTL REV' they run us through a few of these. Maybe it's the tone of the guitar and the accented female vocals, but 'Secret' is very reminiscent of Stereolab, which will no doubt be a delight to many people, although this isn't the band at full pelt, this is a slower song, but it's no less effective and becomes quite expansive towards the end. 'On A Plane' is very much in the same vein and works up a similar atmosphere, only this time the guitar is that bit more crisp.

A more experimental path is taken on 'Ghost', not that it particularly offers anything that other bands haven't done before them, but this doesn't matter a bit because it makes for a great listen and the extra minute or so in length allows them to throw in more synths and squalls of guitar to build the EP into something of climactic end. It is though, first track 'Prague' that will catch most people's ear. This is closer in sound to indiepop but again has a hint of Stereolab about the guitars. The rest is borrowed from the many guitar scenes from around the world. 'Prague' is the liveliest track here and arguably the best, but with four solid tracks others may beg to differ.

Moslyve's website

Stream or buy the EP

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