Tuesday 11 February 2014

Tyler Black - Oh No, Old Glow/All These Times

Single review by soul1@thesoundofconfusion.com

It probably wouldn't be an understatement to say that Tyler Black has rock n' roll in his blood. When this is the case then certain triggers can lead you down the path to making your own music, and in this case it was moving to Nashville to college in the '00s that perhaps helped act as a catalyst here, albeit a short-lived one. Surrounded by alt-country and listening to Ryan Adams, Wilco and so on, Black formed a band in that vein, before realising that perhaps he was better suited to the freedom offered by becoming a solo artist and not limiting his sound quite so much. Fast forward a few years and we now arrive at the debut single from Tyler Black: 'Oh No, Old Glow'/'All These Times'.

It would be wrong to say that the sounds of those college years have been washed away, as the title-track here certainly owes a debt to the aforementioned acts and US-style alternative rock music in general. It's done to a high standard though, with a decent riff and a full sound like that you'd expect from a band. This is not another boring singer-songwriter. As catchy and accessible as the lead-track is, it's perhaps 'All These Times' that's the highlight. There's something classic, almost to the point where the guitars could be adapted from a doo-wop tune, that give an extra dose of individuality to this song, and you can't help but think that when Black decided to broaden those horizons that influences like this were all part of the plan.

Tyler Black's website

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