Monday 16 September 2013

Strangefruit - Ghosts

Single review by

Earlier in the summer, London trio Strangefruit impressed a lot with their single 'Sea Of Fog' which was lifted from their EP 'Between The Earth And Sea', and now they've had a trippy and nightmarish video made for 'Ghosts', another splendid song from the same EP. You always risk sounding lazy when describing the video to a song called 'Ghosts' as being nightmarish, but it is definitely a little unsettling and strange, and the music, much like before, is wonderful.

In much the same was as using that particular word to describe the visuals, it feels almost cheap to say that 'Ghosts' is a haunting song, but the fact is that, well, it is. This is maybe why it was titled so. Vocals coo and sigh and sometimes seem to build into more terror, all the while the music is a complex set of threads that weave in between everything, with no particular instrument taking an overall lead, 'Ghosts' is more complex than that. More complex but not for art's sake, this is simply a great song by a talented band.

Strangefruit's website

Buy the EP

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  1. Strange fruit is being used as a metaphor in this song. The fruit are African Americans and they are strange because trees don't have them naturally. The next line talks about there being blood on the tree. There is blood because the African Americans on this tree have been murdered. Therefore it is their blood which is covering the tree. As the song continues it describes "black bodies swinging in the southern breeze" confirming that these African Americans have been lynched.


    1. Hi,
      I think the above comment was spam so ignore that! Thank you for your insight though. If anyone wants to know more then the Billie Holiday song Strange Fruit is a good place to start. I'm assuming that's where the band took their name from.
