Wednesday 25 September 2013

Feather Beds - The Trevino Swing

Single review by

We're told that Dublin group Feather Beds will be releasing their début album 'The Skeletal System' in 2013, so presumably it's due soon, although we've heard no further news. In the mean time they've released their fourth single, 'The Trevino Swing', which follows on from this summer's free download, 'Walter'. Another brace of freebies were released last year, shortly after the band formed. If we were to put a label on the sound made by this band then probably the safest bet would be "music", because there's naff all else that really fits.

On 'The Trevino Swing' you get things like beats and electronics and vocals and other sounds that generally constitute music, but it probably couldn't even spell the word "genre". It's agitated at the same time as being all ethereal and dreamy, and it uses elements from the front line of electronic music in conjunction with effects we're more accustomed to. You could call say it's a bit like Jekyll and Hyde, but instead of transforming from one to the other it manages to be both of them at the same time. Definitely a weird one, but a good 'un too.

Feather Beds' website

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