Thursday 19 September 2013

Róisín O - Hold On

Single review by

With her début album 'The Secret Life Of Blue' being released to plenty of acclaim last year, it's a pleasure to bring you the brand new video to one of the record'd most haunting highlights, 'Hold On'. Dublin artist Róisín O attacks your senses on more than one front. As a singer she's in possession of one of those voices that instantly stands apart from most others. Yes, there are plenty of vocalists who can deliver note-perfect performances like this, but the secret that separates someone who does well on X-Factor and someone who impresses in the real world, free of gimmicks, is the sheer passion and emotion that's ploughed into the delivery.

You can feel every single sense and identify with every single thought that this track contains, and this would be the same were it sung a capella; vocal chords and restraint like that are a precious rarity. It's almost enough to prevent you realising just what a good song 'Hold On' actually is. With half the world trying their hand at alt-pop and every star seeking that perfect ballad, this track will have many folk green with envy. Much like with the vocals, it would have been easy to go over the top here, but the song is kept reasonably minimal; the piano and strings only need singing of this calibre to weave a little magic. This is a quite stunning track, and it makes you wonder why Róisín O isn't a star yet.

Róisín O's website

Buy the album

Catch her live:

Oct 18 Whelans, Dublin, Ireland

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