Sunday 22 September 2013

Kindred Shins - Yes To Rioting Notoriety

EP review by

There are several tightropes being walked by Kindred Shins, but none of them are to do with quality. These half a dozen tracks are all good, whether you'll like them will merely come down to personal taste. Originating in North Dakota but now based in our very own London, the band are precariously balanced between the words of modern blues-rock (perhaps akin to The Dead Weather), heavier sounds of a similar variety (maybe like Queens Of The Stone Age), classic hard-rock (take your pick) and the less extreme world of indie/alt-rock. You could take a particular song and classify it quite easily (for example, 'Sweet And The Strange' is bluesy hard-rock that will boost sales of Strepsils), but as an EP this is less easily done.

The thread that joins everything together is that these guys want to make modern rock music that isn't needlessly heavy or overproduced. 'Regain Your Poise Hysterical Woman' (great title) is a storming bluesy number with melody giving it identity; 'She Floats Just Like The Witch' is perhaps one for the more metallic-minded, adding extra weight to their sound with a throbbing bassline, but still it's well-written and has melody; riffs are borrowed from Led Zeppelin on 'We Both Know But I Ain't Saying Nothin'' and are combined with some rare harmonies; 'The Smoker Never Quits' thrashes through some punky hard-rock adding more variety, and 'Red Eye Blues' taps into the classic rock sound that has endured for years. Definitely a band who mean business.

Kindred Shins' website

Stream the EP in full

'Yes To Rioting Notoriety' is released on September 30th

Catch them live:

Sat 28th Sept 'Yes To Rioting Notoriety' Launch, The Constitution, Camden, London
Fri 18th Oct, Scala, London

For more news, reviews and downloads follow The Sound Of Confusion on Facebook or Twitter

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