Tuesday 23 October 2012

Mutado Pintado - Carbon Copies/This Life + Q&A

Article by KevW

Globe-trotting experimental indie-rock one-man band Mutado Pintado has a new double A-side single coming out on October 29th. You can stream both tracks below, but first we threw a few questions his way to figure out a little more about his life, musical journey so far and Kasabian's unusual touring habits.

TSOC: You seem to be a well travelled man. Born in Cape Cod, you then headed to New York and have ended up based in London. Why the migration?

MP: Cape Cod is wonderful but when you are looking for more than easy living, alcoholism, and other wonders of small town living you really have to venture out. I come from a family of characters and story tellers, and you cant keep up staying in one place so when I turned 19 I went from one end of the country to the other (Seattle) and the rest was history really. My sister played a big role in me wanting adventure as she lived all over and the sound of NYC always stood out as the place I needed to be and I planned on getting there from a young age. I moved there without ever visiting and the moment I got out I knew it was going to be a while. London came by way of being invited into the band Black Daniel as well as family and after going back and forth for a few years I made the plunge into lovely South London.

TSOC: Is there a preference out of those three places? Where have you enjoyed living and working the most? And are you planning another move?

MP: I would have to say my heart will always be in New York City, it is the most amazing place I have ever been and lived, it suits my personality best. The funny thing is I never really made music seriously there, it was more throwing parties and painting, but it definitely paved the way for where I am now. I'm not sure where life will take me next but I'm getting itchy feet and vitamin D deficiency so hopefully somewhere with year-round sunshine and bikinis.

TSOC: You've toured with a variety of acts including Kasabian and Bryan Adams – any diva moments from bigger stars like that? Who was most fun to tour with?

MP: First off all the touring I have done has been with my other band Black Daniel (which you will be seeing a new album from soon), and if you've seen our live set you will understand why things can get crazy anywhere we play. There where a couple diva situations with Kasabian, like them having body guards 24/7. We stopped at a gas station in Germany to get refreshments at about 4am and Serge wouldn't even go past us to the toilet without this SAS Iraqi war veteran. It was pretty funny and even the body guard was blushing. We also got in trouble for eating the curry chicken which was a no-no. It was strange really because to be honest Bryan Adams was more rock and roll than they were, he always had models waiting for him and his attitude was definitely I don't give a ...... With Kasabian I think their reputation as a crazy party band is something that they have to portray on the outside but isn't quite what they are really about behind the scenes. I suppose you can't really when you are at that level, where Bryan Adams is the opposite. I like to imagine him as the Saddam Hussein character in the South Park movie, I love him.

TSOC: Any what about your own tour experiences? Any ridiculous rider requests or tantrums we should know about?

MP: There are loads really, but the one that stands out is on our first real Black Daniel gig, we played an NME show with We Are Scientists and She Wants Revenge and SWR and ourselves were at an impasse as to who was playing first. The lead singer spoke up in a real LA swagger and said why don't we all step outside and settle it? He didn't realize that the people we were with were very much obliged to do that and immediately ever so politely shit his pants. He did win in the end with a coin toss though. Personally I'm not one of those diva types but I never play a gig without a four handed massage in the rider.

TSOC: If you had your  way, which band/artist would you like to come calling next about a joint tour?

MP: Prince of course! Actually only if he decides to do the Around The World In A Day album from start to finish. Wait maybe the Butthole Surfers on a Rembrant Pussyhorse tour??

TSOC: Your sound seems to take influences from more than one genre – are there any contemporary bands you'd place in the same bracket as you? 

MP: I'm not sure really, and I'm not being the cliche here I just don't listen to many current bands that span genres and that's not to say there aren't any out there as I'm sure there are. In fact there are so many amazing artists right now my faith in humanity is at an all time high.

TSOC: What about an album? Is there a Mutado Pintado LP in the works? 

MP: Yes it's done. I will put out another single 'Blue' in Jan/Feb and then the album in May/June. I cannot wait! In between I will release a greatest hits album of some of the more obscure stuff I have done on vinyl if the universe allows it.

TSOC: Do you expect your sound to change much on future recordings or are you happy with the way things sound currently? 

MP: Yes I expect to and I will change as much as possible, it's the only way to stay sane. Maybe a genre per personality?

TSOC: Who would you most like to collaborate with/produce your next record? Any favourite producers? 

MP: Collaborators: Gibby Haynes, Prince, the drill sergeant from the movie Full Metal Jacket, the director of Valhalla Rising, etc...
Producers:  My amigo Dan Carey, Steve Albini, Prince, some young kid in a bedroom far away looking to smash things up, can you hear me???

TSOC: Finally that tricky one. It's fantasy festival time, you're headlining and you can pick five bands past or present to appear on the same bill. Who are you going for?

MP: This is way too difficult!
James Brown, B-52's (from the 1970's) , Kid Creole and the Coconuts, Butthole Surfers, Death Grips.
(can I also special guest appearances from Little Richard, NWA, Big Black, and Sylvester?)

TSOC: Only if you can get them collaborating on some of your own material! Other than that it's strictly five!

Mutado Pintado's website

Stream or buy the single

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