Friday 3 August 2012

Everest Cale - Beast EP

EP review by KevW

The combination of the words 'country' and 'rock' in the description of a band can be an instant turn-off, summoning up memories of some truly awful musical abominations. Yet shoving the genre down a slightly more alternative path has led to some great music. So as a general rule of thumb: country-rock = bad, alt-country = good. Everest Cale are from America's east coast and have been described as an indie-rock band, which I suppose is fair enough, although it does hide the definite country influence to their music. As the grandfather of alt-country, Johnny Cash almost said, they walk the line. It's a fairy traditional rock sound these guys make, and while it's occasionally a little to earnest, there's just enough of the 'alt' part in there to save them.The 'Beast' EP without doubt shows that they can write a decent tune, but what they do with it may be questioned by some.

They don't shy away from conventional formats, they're more than happy to whack in a good old guitar solo and a chest-beating vocal delivery certainly isn't out of the question. All of these aspects can be found on the title-track, but despite these clichés it's actually a likeable song. The tender 'Goodbye' tackles the end of a relationship (such tales are the fuel that's powered the whole genre for nearly a century) but it is quite affecting. Some may find this EP a little too trad-rock for their particular taste but on the whole they take a well worn genre and prove that it still has a bit of fuel left in the tank yet. 'Place We Know Is Home' is a prime example. Guilty pleasure is a term that many people are unhappy with, so let's just say that 'Beast' is a surprising pleasure instead.

Everest Cale's website

Buy the EP

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