Thursday 16 August 2012

Band To Check Out: Party In Paris

Article by KevW

This predicted upturn in the fortunes of the traditional British indie-rock band persistently fails to materialise. Personally I blame The Enemy. How can the genre be taken seriously with that bunch spearheading the comeback? Northampton four-piece Party In Paris are hoping to make inroads of sorts, and you never know, they may get the ball rolling again. Formed last year there are few recordings available yet and those that are would be essentially considered demos, so the great news is that once this gang get in a studio with a bigger batch of songs and a more defined idea of where their sound is heading they could well come up with an impressive record or two.

Studio recording 'We Fly Kites' is over a year old now so most likely will have been given a slight touch up, but it shows promise and, recorded while the band were so new, it also shows they know their way around their respective instruments. A few more of these and a producer to add a sprinkling of gold dust and they could be in business. With a recent signing to Stalkers Records and some well received live shows they may well be on their way to recording a debut album of note, and maybe putting Britrock back on the map, lord knows we need them to.

Party In Paris' website

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