Friday 28 June 2013

Sonic Hearts Foundation - Into Forever

EP review by

You may have first heard about Glasgow band Sonic Hearts Foundation when they released their debut single 'The Storm' last summer, and you may have taken advantage of the free download of their first EP 'Into Forever' which they released earlier this month. If you haven't got the free download yet then we strongly recommend doing so. It will expire on July 1st, so you've only got a few days, but should you prefer a physical product then there's a limited edition of 100 of those too. The first we heard of the EP was recent single 'Northern Lights', a heavy psych-rock track with thundering drums and an atmosphere that you'd need a chainsaw to cut through.

There are, of course, other tracks on the EP, and they offer more variety too. On the (slightly) more commercial side of things is 'Azrael', a clattering, rumbling, post-punk tune that also lays on the atmosphere with a trowel. The echoey vocals drift around, seemingly trapped inside the song and this creates a strange but unique effect. 'USA' employs this same vocal technique and the noise is phenomenal; pulsating electronics, thundering drums, air-raid sirens and more all vying for space. It's a glorious racket. Last but not least is '1984'. This has a more electronic feel and verges on krautrock at times, but again those vocals swirl through the song and the instruments, every one of them, scream at you as loud as they can. Sonic Hearts Foundation aren't a band who do things by half.

Sonic Hearts Foundation's website

Stream or download the EP

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