Wednesday 19 June 2013

Blinker the Star - Future Fires

Single review by

Blinker the Star have been making records since the mid-'90s and have just played their first gigs for nine years. To celebrate this they've released a new single, 'Future Fires'. The brainchild of Jordan Zadorozny, the Ontario group has generally channelled its energy into making albums, but for this new track the plan was to channel all the energy used to make an album into one song, which led to much though about the production, arranging and songwriting. It also took in a great deal of experimenting, and while you could call the track an experimental indie/pop/psych song, it's not too far removed from music you will already know and love.

The accompanying video adds to the colourful and mildly psychedelic feel; it's the perfect match for the song. And the song isn't difficult to appreciate. You won't take a dozen listens to "get" this one. This is a pop song, it's just made in a more left-field way and sets no rules. It sounds fun, it sounds like it was fun to make. It also sounds like a melting-pot of ideas that have been put forward and gradually whittled down until we're left with just the ones that fit together and compliment each other. You can tell the song was composed in a different way, but it's not so far out there that it's aloof or out of reach. You can jump on in and enjoy it just as much as the band are.

Blinker the Star's website

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