Saturday 26 October 2013

Killing Fields Of Ontario - Cloud

Single review by

Figuring out the psychological aspects of the video to 'Cloud' isn't an easy task, but then it's been a year full of unusual promos. The first single from Killing Fields Of Ontario's new album 'How The World Ends' is intense both musically and visually. A man and a woman in a house, possibly mother and son, both freaking out over seemingly nothing at all. They look like drug addicts; drawn-in faces, bloodshot, weary eyes and paranoia, but there's no suggestion of that being the case at all. Instead we see them hide in bed, argue, scream with mental anguish and even play games together. It makes little sense but it fits the song, and as that's its purpose then we have to say it's worked.

If this is to be the standard and the style of the new record then it should see the English group step-up a level, maybe even making more of a breakthrough of sorts. There's fervent punk here, but it's not spit and snot snarling, it's alt-rock with serious edge and a panic attack. The fiddle adds an almost folky side to the song, and while there's not much to be said for bands who combine folk and punk as a rule, the fact that 'Cloud' incorporates a much more complex and robust sound makes it work. This is a powerful song with powerful visuals, if the album follows suit then Killing Fields Of Ontario could be a band on the rise.

Buy 'Cloud' from Killing Fields Of Ontario's website

Catch them live:

3rd Nov The Yardbird, Birmingham
8th Nov Brixton, London
15th Nov The Underbelly, London
22nd Nov The Wardrobe, Leeds
25th Jan The Finsbury, London

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