Wednesday 18 July 2012

UMA - Wild At Heart

Single review by KevW

If you were thinking that husband and wife duos in music were so last year then think again. Not only have we had the superb debut album from US love birds Exitmusic to add to the already long list, we can now count German/Austrian couple UMA as well. Ella and Florian (to give their real names) aren't following the dreamy, romantic lead of partners such as Tennis, Cults, Summer Camp et al, instead they're dealing in more electronic and ambient pieces, preferring to experiment with both equipment and forms. And this is despite the fact that Ella is classically trained and Florian started out in a Guns N' Roses tribute band.

Neither of these influences show on new single 'Wild At Heart', something I'm sure you'll be pleased to know. UMA initially formed for a one-off support slot with Silver Apples at the back end of last year, and their experimental, electronic sounds are much closer to what we have here. 'Wild At Heart' uses overlaying, chopped vocals and repetitive backing for a steady build, resulting in a pretty decent alternative pop track that shows both innovation and a willingness to embrace actual tunes instead of a melee of sound effects, it's something akin to a more left-field version of Air. If you want the pace a little higher then check out the also very good Doc Daneeka Remix, free below.

To download the Doc Daneeka Remix for free head here

UMA's website

Stream or buy the EP

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