Monday 9 July 2012

Lego Lepricons - Lego Lepricons EP

EP review by KevW

The quartet that make up Israel's Lego Lepricons are all professional musicians who've worked with some of the country's most successful artists but this is the debut release under this name after forming last year. Their sound is an ambitious one, drawing comparisons to some of the most acclaimed alternative rock bands around, particularly early Radiohead (there's a vocal similarity to both Thom York and Matt Bellamy), and their music is both spacious and powerful. 'I Can Fly' is a meaty beast, built from rumbling drums and post-rock guitarscapes. It's Hope Of The States if they'd decided they should be headlining festivals.

'You Should Have Known' aspires to great things too, they're not shy about giving these songs a pumped up production and letting them fight it out with the big boys. The electronic instrumental break comes at the perfect moment to prevent them getting bogged down in convention too much. Lego Lepricons are willing to experiment as well as follow the lead of others. 'Well I Don't Think So' could be a cover from 'OK Computer' or Grandaddy's 'The Sophtware Slump' album, and lets face it, there are worse albums to be compared to. With plans for an album and tour both at home and abroad, it wouldn't be a surprise to see Lego Lepricons making inroads in other countries too.

Lego Lepricons' website

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  1. amazing!!! that is the perfect definition of rock'nroll..
    waiting for the next concert :)

  2. לי זה נשמע נפלא !!!
