Thursday 12 July 2012

Folks - Skull & Bones

Single review by KevW

If you peruse the list of artists Manchester band Folks have shared a stage with thus far (Miles Kane, Noel Gallagher, The View) it all points to a deeply unfashionable lad-rock pedigree. Although there are certain elements of their sound that will appeal to fans of that variety of music, there's plenty here to appeal to others too. Plus, you have to admit that getting such support slots without even releasing a proper single is pretty good going. Having spent the first half of the year finalising what will be their debut album, due in the autumn, the sextet make their first offering to the world with single 'Skull & Bones'.

It's a track that follows a fairly standard rock band format, taking in elements of blues, US alt-rock and even a hint of ELO about the beat. Vocals growl and guitars screech and it's proper leather jackets and battered denims stuff, but it does posses a certain appeal and generally feels a lot less try-hard than many others peddling similar sounds. It's unlikely that another big British rock group will break through for at least the next couple of years, and on the strength of 'Skulls & Bones' it doesn't look like Folks have quite enough about them to make that kind of impact yet. However, it's certainly a valiant attempt and it's good to know that the flag of British rock music is still flying and is in pretty capable hands.

Folks' website

Buy the single

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