Sunday 16 March 2014

Dominic Wolf - Behind The Sun

Single review by

I've always fancied owning a pet wolf you know readers. The thought of taking him for walkies amongst the poodles and spaniels, lovingly polishing his fangs, or being horribly winded by a light swish of his tail, fills me with a warm and fuzzy glow. Alas, sadly there are just too many stumbling blocks for the relationship ever to succeed – my inherent scared-stiffness of him, and his willingness to eat me as I doze on the couch, being two of the major factors. Thus our happy life together is never to be.

Even better than owning one of these friendly furry death traps, would be to actually BE a friendly furry death trap, and today we have the real pleasure to introduce you to one such beast – a remarkably talented wolf by the name of Dominic, who incredibly has honed his paws to such a level of dexterity that he's now able to pick up a guitar and compose fully fledged, bona fide, proper tunes!!

*Editor comes over to whisper*... I see... I've just been informed that Dominic Wolf is actually a human and not an animal at all... that makes much more sense now I think of it... hold on please readers, I best do some research...

...Right, so it turns out Dominic is a London-based songwriter of Swiss origin with a decent crop of hair, but not enough to be classed as fur - that's not quite as cool as what I originally believed, but acceptable nonetheless. Putting identity issues aside however, what we can tell you is that with new single 'Beneath The Sun', lead-track from the imminent 'Masks' EP, Wolf is striking out from the folktronica pack and setting off on the prowl for wider recognition.

Strings are plucked unhurriedly during a gently unfolding, acoustic-guided intro that allows Wolf's weary vocal the space to spell out the state of play, as a stuttering relationship reaches its make or break crux. Softly looped beats then tip up to add a pulse to his plaintive persuasion, and though lighter skies on the horizon appear to beckon at one stage, they're quickly banished as the track descends to its shuddering conclusion; an increasingly desperate "find the sun" vocal refrain being swallowed up by the steady creep of low-key but brooding electronic sequencing. Like unsuspecting prey suddenly realising they're encircled by a baying predator, 'Beneath The Sun' travels quickly from calm self assuredness, into a place of panic, dark desperation and confusion – and it's just that transition that gives the track its stamp of quality. Be on the hunt for more from Mr Wolf folks, if this is a marker of his territory, it's a place worth exploring.

Buy the EP on its March 16th release here

Dominic Wolf's website

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