Friday 7 September 2012

Savoir Adore - Regalia

Single review by KevW

For the first minute or so of this new single from Brooklyn synth-poppers Savoir Adore there's very little to write home about. Perhaps forthcoming new album 'Our Nature' (out 16th October) doesn't have as many instantly likeable pop gems as 2010's 'In The Wooded Forest', or perhaps they're just messing with us, letting a fairly mundane start make the flourishing pop chorus seem just that bit more ecstatic. It's decent clompy beats and a bassline that's pretty darn funky, but in terms of classics, it's some way off the mark. Until our question is answered and the chorus with its "oh oh's" and spangly guitar enters the fray and suddenly we're looking at something really rather catchy thank you very much!

It all leads to the question of why Savoir Adore aren't slaying the current crop of dismal chart stars with their superior vision of what accessible, popular music should be about. Are they missing a novelty factor? Should they court controversy in the same desperate way that Madonna's cringeworthy antics have been gaining tabloid space to promote her latest album? Or are they just that little bit too good to be taken seriously by the ringtone generation?  Sadly it's probably the latter. But let's not be pessimistic, let's have some faith in humanity and pretend for a minute that 'Regalia' will be all over national radio and TV in the next few weeks and the album will be vying for the number one spot with whatever Justin Bieber farts out next. We can but dream...

Savoir Adore's website

Pre-order the album

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