Monday 2 April 2012

Exlovers - This Love Will Lead You On

Single review by KevW

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It seems like an entire epoch has passed since the first stirrings from London's Exlovers graced our ears, but the latest intelligence suggests that, finally, their debut album 'Moth' will be out this summer. Given that their lifespan will have seen several generations of a moth family come and go already, this seems a slight contradiction, but the main qualm is that with each teasing glimpse of the record that has been put forward over the past few years, the colourful indie-pop they create would be better compared to a butterfly, but I digress.

Latest single 'This Love Will Lead You On' hardly rips up the rulebook; with a simple riff and melody and breathy, soft vocals it's a track that sticks to an age-old format. Tried, tested, safe - but most importantly done with panache. It may be that the long gestation period has allowed Exlovers to perfect their craft and indications are that they could well be sitting on a very decent album. It probably won't change the world but as years come and go there will always be a need for this kind of timeless guitar music.

Exlovers' website

Pre-order the single

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