Thursday 13 October 2011

Teeth - Whatever

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The début album from Dalston trio Teeth sets out its stall from the off. During the first jagged pulses of opener 'Confusion' with its icy, computerised refrain of “Y'all think we care, but we don't” you realise this isn't going to be an album to play to your mum - unless your mum thinks Crystal Castles are a little too middle-of-the-road, that is. The ten tracks contained here are bristling with punk attitude and pounding industrial beats, topped off with layers of discordant synth, but Teeth also have an ear for a catchy melody.

The harsh, spikey, lo-fi electro-rock is satisfying enough if a quick blast of energy and aggression is what you're after, although most memorable are the tracks where their knack with a tune is allowed to shine through. The unsettling 'Dead Boys', a coarse, high-octane banger, is followed by the similarly danceable 'Time Changes' and demonstrates that 'Whatever' is as suited to clubs as much as indie discos. Previous single 'See Spaces' hints that underneath the agitated outer skin, Teeth might just be a big old pop band at heart, albeit a somewhat angry one.

'Whatever' is a wealth of contradictions and a mash up of ideas. It's both fun and hostile, tuneful and unnerving, aggressive and loveable. A challenging listen it may be but there's enough light amongst the shade to ensure that you'll be back for a second helping. Teeth by name, teeth by nature – this is a record with more than enough bite.

TEETH - See Spaces by moshi moshi music

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