As you're entitled to expect from a song called 'Voodoo Drums', this new single from Swedish artist Everyday Mistakes, the alias of Mattius Malm, has a spooky element at play, along with a hell of a lot else. He's managed to take a whole heap of the things we love and pile them into one song, and it will impress upon first listen too. To talk you through it, we begin with drums that quickly turn a little bit Phil Spector on us, complete with handclaps, only to be joined by mariachi brass and surf guitar. We'll already under its spell, even though lines like "I'm a subject of black arts" warn us that maybe we should keep away.
Once we hear those backing vocals (again from the Spector school of production) and that guitar twanging its way hauntingly through a song whose subject is bleak but whose music is as lush and full as they come without going overboard, there's no escaping. It's non-stop too. Why break a good song apart by adding needless breakdowns or similar. The closest we get is a spoken word section, backed by the same amazing sounds. 'Voodoo Drums' is a perfect example of experimental orchestral pop with an ear on the past but with plenty of new ideas of its own. A truly splendid song.
Everyday Mistakes' website
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