Saturday 19 January 2013

Fascinator - Mr Caterpillar

Single review by

It was back in November that Fascinator released his 'Birth' EP and we featured the totally bonkers and surreal video for the track 'Sexual Mystery' back then. To be honest the visuals were a mystery, but possibly only sexual if you're very very twisted. The song was an ace piece of modern psychedelia though so it didn't really matter. Plus everyone likes the odd mental video, right? "You were kind enough to run something on my first video last November" runs the email, "so I thought I might send you my new one, 'Mr Caterpillar'. This one features my girlfriend dressed as a rasher of bacon".

Ohhh kaaay then. Is this the sexual mystery he spoke of before? Is there a joke to be made here surrounding the slang use of "pork" as a verb? This video, sure enough, is also barking mad, and although it might seem obtuse for the sake of being obtuse, it's actually a captivating and slightly brain-melting thing to watch. Again we're buggered if we can figure it out, yet again the song is a brilliant piece of modern psychedelia. It's one thing making crazy promos, it's another thing having the tunes to back them up. This is the kind of shit The Flaming Lips should be doing right now.

Fascinator's website

Stream or buy the EP

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